Download swords and soldiers wii u
Download swords and soldiers wii u

Since the game is played from a side-scrolling perspective, you’ll simply need to move the camera from side to side in order to view the battlefield. That said, most spells have an area of effect, so there is some compensation for this issue. The only real drawback is that with 2D sprites it can become a bit difficult to accurately target units to cast spells upon. Your main control lies in what you research and in what order, when and what units to summon, and casting spells when they’re most effective. The game is played on a 2D plane, and once you summon a unit, it marches off under its own power to meet the enemy. Though many aspects of the game exhibit fundamentals akin to your average PC RTS, Swords & Soldiers takes a more simple approach in terms of execution. It’s a great system that requires little time to master, yet you’ll be forced to try various strategies in order to successfully complete each skirmish. There’s a research tree in place, so you can only research certain spells and units after you’ve first paid to research the ones that come before it. You’ll then need to research the ability to spawn units such as the berserker (melee) or axe thrower, as well as research spells for healing your army or raining down destruction upon your foes. Like Warcraft, most skirmishes will require you to spawn gatherer units that will automatically keep the gold flowing into your base. It’s a very straightforward experience that uses just the Wii Remote in a way that’s accessible without compromising gameplay depth. The first campaign starts out by teaching you the basics, and the game utilizes a simple interface that’s comprised of clicking on icons, located at the top of the screen, in order to research, spawn units, and cast spells. The Campaign, of course, is where the meat of the package can be found, and you’ll eventually play as three different races, beginning with the Vikings. There’s both a single-player option and multiplayer, and when playing solo, you’ve got Campaign, Skirmishes, and Challenges.

download swords and soldiers wii u

Upon loading up this $10 download, you’ll select from one of six save slots to begin your journey. It’s a bit Warcraft, a bit Tower Defense, and a whole lot of fun. Swords & Soldiers is a toonie, very tongue-in-cheek adventure that offers lots of entertainment through its humor, deep gameplay, and robust presentation. However, the RTS pickings are still quite slim, so we were very excited to finally get our hands on Ronimo’s latest WiiWare creation, Swords & Soldiers. With titles such as Metroid Prime: Corruption, Medal of Honor: Heroes 2, and the soon-to-be-released The Conduit, we’ve definitely got our fair share of first-person action. When Wii was first revealed, many folks initially imagined two genres that would sit perfectly within the annals of the system’s library: first-person shooters and real-time strategy games.

Download swords and soldiers wii u